Example 4: Market Growth Analysis by Understanding the Behavior of Potential Customers
Client: Leading global manufacturer
Scope: To research in detail the Premium tractor market in the US so that a well-informed strategy could be formulated and implemented to enter this market at the most opportune time. This included: sales and growth trends; classification of customer segments; competitive profiling and market share analysis; key trends driving the market; analysis of potential marketing partners; and recommendations. This report was produced using substantial field and quantitative research and is being used as important intelligence by the client for making proactive marketing decisions.
Example 5: Employee Survey
Client: Comptroller of State
Scope: To survey state employees to determine why a large number of them choose to receive a paycheck rather than direct deposit and to explore their level of interest in payroll debit cards. The study provided added insight into employees financial habits, sources for converting many of them to other non-paper paychecks, and the inaccuracy of the clients previously held perception.
Example 6: Market Growth Analysis by Understanding Customer Behavior
Client: Leading software manufacturer
Scope: The client wanted an evaluation of its instructional content and support services among their software customers, their usage of its 13 product lines, what added instructional tools were desired and preferred delivery vehicle. Surveyed 2,700 customers and detailed research helped us provide the insight into types of users, level of experience with each product, sources used to solve technical problems, usefulness of clients instructional content by type of product, and preferred method by customers skills level. The client was informed of the key factors for success and improved growth in this market.