Our clients represent a cross-section of organizations throughout the country from financial services, telecommunications, utilities, media, insurance, automotive, travel, manufacturing, property and government sectors. They range from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
Our objectives are to help businesses obtain information to better operate their organizations.
The following are examples of 10 projects we have recently completed for our clients.
Example 1: Market Potential Analysis for Emerging Broadband Technology
Client: Canadian-based manufacturer
Scope: Our client wanted to understand the current market for their broadband equipment and what opportunities exist for expansion based on technological advances within the industry. Our team developed a comprehensive understanding of the predictive market by tracking the evolution of the product life within the US market and detailing its sustainability and potential usage in the marketplace.
Example 2: Transportation Survey
Client: State transportation agency
Scope: To learn more about customers living in a major metropolitan region and their usage of the states tollway system. The goals of the survey were to determine specific customers awareness, impressions, and perceived benefits of the system and their usage patterns. The study provided added insight into customers tollway driving behavior, their awareness and comprehension of directional signs on the roads, perceived benefits, and how the tollway authority can improve their communication vehicles.
Example 3: Consumer Benchmark Survey
Client: Candy manufacturer
Scope: A survey of children in the 5 to 17 age group in six markets for the principle purpose of finding out their candy purchasing and their familiarity and consumption of clients candy. Two months later, a follow-up study was used to determine the effectiveness of a cable television advertising campaign for client's candy. The report was produced using a quantitative sample of 3,600 youths and provided the client with substantial data for strategically promoting the product.