Smart publishers are always looking for ways to bring more value to, and get more value out of, their media platforms. And they look to Research
USA to get it. For over 40 years weve helped all kinds of publications, big and small, sell more ad pages, improve their editorial quality, attract more
readers and get to know those readers better.
WE MAKE THE SURVEYS THAT MAKE FOR BETTER MEDIA CHANNELS.We offer every kind of research product imaginable to help you make a better publication.READER PROFILE SURVEY With this study, you learn how much time readers spend with your publication, what else they read, what your readers buy, where they buy it, and how much they spend on well as their demographic characteristics. Well help to reveal the strengths of your media platforms that that will influence advertisers in their decision to buy pages in your magazine.The Reader Profile Survey also usually includes questions to find out what readers think of your editorial content and design. PREFERENCE SURVEY Using an outside mailing list that represents the market served by your publication, you learn how well the media in your field are received and how well they are read. And understanding the differences between your media channels and your competition can be of immense value to you and the advertisers you wish to attract. MARKET STUDY For media channels that cater to specific markets, these surveys offer the perfect opportunity to learn the business practices and buying habits of the people and firms that make up your market. READERSHIP PLUS Nothing pleases advertisers more than learning how their ads fared compared to their competition and other ads in a magazine. Now you can deliver all that and more with our very affordable ReadershipPlus ad readership studies. |
We do it by working harder and putting more into our research
than other companies. We dont just do canned surveys. Instead,
we personally interview each client to find out their unique needs
and objectives. Then we customize a research program that most
efficiently and accurately gets them the information they need. We
recommend the methodology, whether by mail or Internet, an in-publication survey or telephone interviews.
Then we custom-create a study to meet and exceed expectations.
And we deliver response rates that often surpass 60%. Which is
good. Because most ad agencies and media buyers wont accept
research without at least a 50% response rate.